Oldies But Goodies

New recipes are great like Raspberry Cheesecake, Lasagna Rolls, etc. But who can forget the "Old Standby Favorites?"
I've sorted through some of my old recipes and cookbooks, (some as old as 40+ years),
many that I still make today. I hope that you enjoy them ;-)

Butterscotch Pecan Pie

Chocolate Marshmallow Pudding

Cocoa Bread Crumb Cookies

Graham Cracker Pudding

Potato Balls

Thousand Island Dressing

The following recipes, were taken from my 3x5 cards that I have collected through the years. I have no idea where I
have gotten them or how old they are. ;-)

Blueberry Cookies

Coconut Macaroon Pie

Cornbread Dressing

Mock Mince Pie

Pineapple Fudge

World War II Cookies

Pineapple Cake


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